THEME: Architecture in Transformation
TOPIC: Unexpected City
Winners of the 2012 HYP Cup International Student Competitionin
Architectural Design Have been Announced!
HYP Cup 2012 International Student Competition in Architectural Design kicked off at the stadium in Tianjin University (TJU) On Oct. 26th, 2012. The competition was co-hosted by UIA, TJU and UED Magazine Press with HYP Architecture Design Consultants.INC in Shanghai as the sole title sponsor. The starting ceremony was hosted by Kong Yuhang, Associate Dean of School of Architecture, Tianjin University. Zhang Qi, Dean/professor and PhD Supervisor of School of Architecture, Tianjin University and Gong Jun, Executive Director/General Manager/Design Director of HYP Architecture Design Consultants.INC gave a speech respectively.
Winner of Order Of The British Empire, United Kingdom Royal Academician, Ex-president of Architectural Association(AA), founer of Hopkins Architects—Sri Michael Hopkins served as the president of the Jury with Cui Kai, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice President and Chief Architect of China Architecture Design and Research Group (CAG) being the executive president.
After four rounds of assessment and examination, the jury picked out 33 pieces of works from 321 entries worldwide with one first prize winner, three second prize winners and eight third prize winners. After a serious, intense and professional selection and discussion,'Patching The City Wall'of Meng Jie and Zhang Zhizhe from School of Architecture, Tianjin University stood out and won the first prize.
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