TOPIC: Transformation: Place, Tradition and Modernism in Conceptual Unity and Diversity
Students:Cai Ruofu、Gao Shang、Hu Hanzhou、Meng Xiangjian
Project :Ring-in and out
Tutors :Ren Jun
School :Tianjin University
This building This design takes the "walking" as the design concept.through the rich forms of the wall as the main architectural elements.This buiding form is free and rich, creating a wealth of building interior and outdoor space.
The base is selected in Chongqing, there is different level of hight in the base, stairs between indoor and outdoor space creats wonderful soace form.This building space is also an expression of the base and the local culture.
The outdoor space is guided and limited through the wall.The winding wall plays a role in defining the space, the landscape frame, and the building and the wall, and creats a continuous and abundant space outside the room.
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