TOPIC: Transformation: Place, Tradition and Modernism in Conceptual Unity and Diversity
Students:Zhang Jianing
Project :Folk culture center
Tutors :
School :Tongji University
Someone may like the tactile sensation of old brick; Someone may be astonished by the so tiny area for each resident; Others may be curious about the life in it and so on.
For me, the space between two walls named Tianjin and the light through it impress me greatly. Even though it is lack of sunshine and normally in poor environment, it is the place where life occur.
In this design, I want to arise the memory of the Linong to the local people by represent these impressive space and light in it. Under the consideration of context and the imitation of height, the beam is designed to thicker remarkably than normal to create a narrow space and barely let the light in the room directly.
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