TOPIC: Transformation: Place, Tradition and Modernism in Conceptual Unity and Diversity
Students:Wen Wei、Wang Hanlin
Project :NEST 学生综合活动中心
Tutors :Chan Siyou
Design specification
The design location in guangzhou zhuhai south campus of sun yat-sen university, the history of the south campus has a strong culture and rich ecological landscape, reason this site also contains cuhk each characteristic elements, integrating the forest, red chamber of historical and cultural buildings. Starting from the needs of students, we found lack of internal school can let student organizations and community activities. We want to use the old architectural features built into the combination of new and old buildings of new student activities, provide students with interesting, rich historical and cultural background of the new place. Combined with ecological and site, the use of grid module built for the local climate, environment etc. Local characteristics of lingnan architecture.
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