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Jury Chairman:

Bernard Tschumi

Famous Architecture Design Master, Founder of Bernard Tschumi Architects, Former Dean of School of Architecture, Columbia University

Executive Jury Chairman:

Cui Kai

UIA Representative; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Chinese Architecture Design Master

Jury Members:

René-Henri ARNAUD

Chairman of the French AS Architecture Studio; Architect

Huang Sheng-Yuan

Fieldoffice Architects

Winka Dubbeldam

University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Principle and founder of Archi-tectoincs

Ole Gustavsen

AHO/The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Rector

Hitoshi Abe

UCLA A.UD, Chair

Fuensanta Nieto

Professor at the Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK);Founding Partner of Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos.

Zhuang Weimin

Dean of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University

Li Zhenyu

Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Han Dongqing

Dean of School of Architecture, Southeast University

Zhang Qi

Dean of School of Architecture, Tianjin University

Liu Kecheng

Professor and PhD Tutor of School of Architecture, and Urban Planning, Xi`an University of Architecture and Technology

Peng Lixiao

Chief Editor of Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine; Director of China Building Centre; Guest Professor of the School of Architecture, Tianjin University

Gong Jun

Executive Director; General Manager and Design Director of HYP Architectural Design Consultants, Inc.

Organizing Committee:

Chairman:Kong Yuhang

Deputy Dean of the School of Architecture, Tianjin University; Professor and PhD Tutor